There is no completely uniform bread classification method. There are various pieces of bread in different countries. Let's introduce some of them.

Toast bread

Toast bread is a relatively common bread. People may add what they like when eating it, such as some jams, or can also add chicken and vegetables. The toast was first invented by a French bakery, and toast bread has a long history, which has been invented in about 1491.

Rye bread

Denmark's rye bread is very popular, the color is dark, and the taste is a bit sour. This bread may only taste it in the eastern part of Denmark and Germany. It is said that this is a bread with high nutritional value, and almost no fat, sugar, or edible oil. Rye bread uses traditional bread processing technology and is processed with pure natural rye.

Brandon bread

The shape of the Brandon is unique. Although it looks hard and dry, it gives people the illusion that it is difficult to swallow, but its internal is very soft. Because alkali water is added during the production process, it is also called alkaline water bread. It is said that it can regulate the body's pH.

The decomposition speed of this bread in the human body is slower than that of ordinary bread, and eating can prevent diabetes.


The shape of the donuts is round, stick-like, etc., but the circle shape is the most common. It is said that this shape originated in the United States. They think that this can shorten the fried time without wasting oil. Today's donuts have become American fast food that we are very easy to see.

Although it is very convenient and bread is a relatively healthy food, we can't take bread as a staple food every day. Eating bread for a long time will cause great harm to our bodies.

Increase blood glucose

Because bread contains a lot of starch, it can continue to increase blood glucose levels, and love or frequent bread may lead to increased blood sugar. Therefore, bread is particularly not conducive to the consumption of diabetic patients.

In the case of diabetes, edible bread may increase blood sugar at an amazing speed, so bread should not be eaten frequently.


Because bread is coarse grains, it is more difficult to digest than meals. Eating bread often can easily cause gastrointestinal disorders and constipation. Of course, the harmful effects of eating bread every day will not appear in a day or two, but it may seriously affect health in the future, so don't ignore it.

If you add an appropriate amount of bread every day, it is good and harmless. But when eating too many causes the body to be unacceptable, it will only cause damage. Even if we like to eat bread, we should pay attention to other nutrients and eat balanced. Vegetables, fruits, meat, and milk should be eaten in moderation. Only when nutrition is sufficient, will it be better.