Blueberry is rich in nutrition, which is not only rich in conventional nutrients but also contains extremely rich flavonoids and polysaccharides. Therefore, it is also known as "the queen of fruit" and "the king of berries". The benefits of eating blueberries are much more than you think!


The rich vitamins in blueberries have the effects of preventing cancer and resisting heart disease. And blueberry's pectin is rich, which can dilute our body fat and protect the health of the human heart and cerebral blood vessels. In addition, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which can delay the aging of the human body.

Enhance immunity

Blueberries contain quite a lot of potassium. Potassium can help maintain normal blood pressure and heart function in the body, but the calories are very low. Blueberries have great effects on free radicals, especially active oxygen, and various diseases such as cancer, congenital immune system diseases, and cardiovascular disease.

Prevention of vascular disease

Various nutrients and trace elements in blueberries are very high. Some of these substances can have a certain effect on vascular dilation, so often eating blueberries in daily life can enhance the function of the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Prevent constipation

Blueberry contains a lot of pectins, which is much higher than other fruits, so blueberries are called the king of fruits. And such substances can effectively stimulate the gastrointestinal tract peristalsis, and can also regulate the flora in the intestine to prevent constipation.

Blueberry fruit is not only attractive but also unique in flavor and is loved by consumers. But not many people know about the contraindications of eating blueberries.

Blueberry is an acidic fruit containing vitamin C, while milk is rich in protein. Blueberries and milk cannot be eaten together because vitamin C and protein solidify, which affects the digestion of the human body, and easily leads to symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Blueberries cannot be eaten with high-calcium food. Blueberry contains oxalate, which conflicts with calcium, and will affect the absorption of calcium, so blueberries cannot be eaten with high-calcium food. It is recommended that you consume high-calcium food after eating blueberries for 2 hours.

Blueberries contain certain sugar, so people with diabetes are not suitable for blueberries. People with diabetes should pay attention to a balanced diet, that is, under the premise of total heart control, eat as much as possible, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, and fruits, so as to obtain balanced nutrition.

How to wash blueberries clean?

Wild blueberries from nature can be washed directly in fresh water. Because wild blueberries have a white powder on their surface. If you put blueberries under running water and scrub them vigorously, you will lose the powder.

And fruit powder is an existence of high nutritional value, it will affect the edible value of blueberries after washing. So rinse blueberries gently with water.

Blueberries are especially clean when washed in a little salt water. You can put an appropriate amount of water in the basin, add a small amount of edible salt, and adjust to light salt water. Then place the blueberries in the lightly salted water and gently stir them back and forth with your hand to make full contact with the water. Take it out after about 15 minutes.