Peaches are a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, containing protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B, C and other ingredients. It can be eaten raw or made into preserved peaches, canned food, nuts, etc.

At the same time, eating peach in moderation will also bring benefits to the body.

1. Nourish the stomach.

Peaches are rich in soluble dietary fiber, and the pectin in them can also be appetizing and relieve constipation, thereby expelling metabolites from the body, which is good for the human stomach.

2. Treat anemia.

The iron content in peaches is relatively high, almost occupying the first place in fruits, so eating peaches can prevent anemia.

3. Beauty.

Peaches also have anti-aging and whitening properties. Beauty-loving women can often eat peaches.

4. Quench your thirst.

When the human body is dehydrated, eating peaches can replenish the body's water and achieve the effect of quenching thirst and cooling off.

5. Prevent gastrointestinal diseases and constipation.

Peaches contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can improve the human intestinal environment, absorb toxic substances, provide food for probiotics, and increase gastrointestinal motility.

In addition to eating peaches directly, you must learn these methods.

Peach hits milk.

Wash the peaches with salt, remember to be gentle! Peel the peach skin, keep the peach skin for later use, dice the peach flesh and set aside.

We first put the peach skins in a pot, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook slowly until the water turns pink, and remove the peach skins.

Add ice powder to boiling water, the ratio is 1:40, powder 1! Stir while pouring, then pour the peach skin water into the mold and let it cool and solidify.

If you like it cold, you can keep it in the refrigerator.

After solidification, you can add an appropriate amount of jelly and peach milk to the cup, add a little milk, and a little sugar.

A cup of high-value peach jelly milk is successful! It's super easy, come and try it!

Peach Butter.

Materials: Peaches (peeled and pitted), 250 grams of sugar, half a lemon juice.

Method: Peel and core the peaches, cut into small pieces, put in sugar and let stand overnight, then pour all the ingredients into a small pot, then add lemon juice or white vinegar, simmer for 30 minutes, at the beginning of cooking .

There will be foam that needs to be removed. After a long time, there will be no bubbles.

Once cooked, it can be bottled for storage.

The temptation of peach, you will love it.