Creamy strawberry was introduced from Japan. It has a light milk aroma and is a better strawberry variety. The fruit is long conical, as large as an egg, and the pulp is soft, juicy and sweet. It tastes solid and delicious, tender and juicy.

Creamy strawberries include two functions.Firstly,it can quench thirst, because strawberries are sweet and cool in nature. For people with thirst, dry mouth and sore throat, eating strawberries properly has a good cooling and quenching thirst effect. Secondly, it can strengthen the stomach and digest food. For people with indigestion, poor appetite, and bloated abdomen, eating strawberries properly has a good stomach and digestive effect. The contraindication of strawberries is that they contain more carbohydrates, that is, more sugar. For people with high blood sugar or diabetes, you must control the amount of strawberries when eating them, otherwise it may cause blood sugar to increase.

To cultivate creamy strawberries, you need to place them in a semi-shade place to avoid strong light. It is also necessary to prepare loose and fertile soil with good drainage and breathability. Creamy strawberries like light, but are afraid of strong light, so they need to be placed in a semi-shade place to receive scattered light. In spring, autumn and winter, it can be exposed to scattered light. In summer, the light is strong and it needs proper shading.

Creamy strawberries have a large demand for water, but are not resistant to stagnant water. They need to be watered every three days in spring and autumn, once every half a month in winter, and once a day in summer, so as to ensure sufficient water for creamy strawberries. During its growth period, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers need to be applied.

Creamy strawberries can be made into sweets such as strawberry cake, strawberry pudding, and strawberry cones. It is a fruit that adults and children like very much. The reason why people love sweets is that when they eat sweets, dopamine nerve cells in the brain are activated, and then it releases a chemical called opioids. When the brain feels the excitement of this substance, it will have more cravings for it, so people will want to eat it again . Creamy strawberries are an excellent partner for desserts, so they are loved by most people.