Alpine Skiing,Originated in the Alpine region, also known as "Alpine skiing" or "mountain skiing". It combines bodybuilding and elegance, and is rugged without losing elegance, so it has always been popular with the audience.

Alpine Skiing is gradually formed on the basis of Cross-Country Skiing. In 1907, the United Kingdom founded the Alpine Ski Club, which was the world's first Alpine Skiing organization. Alpine Skiing is a sport that uses skis with a fixed heel device to slide down a snow-covered slope. The competition is divided into two types: speed events and technical events. The speed events are further divided into downhill and super slalom technical events into slalom and slalom events.

Arranged according to the average speed, from high to low, there are downhill - super slalom - bigger slalom - slalom, and the number of flags is the opposite. The slalom competition requires players toturn quickly , so there are many corners on the field, which are serpentine. The super slalom requires a wider track with a large turning range, fewer slalom and downhill curves. Based on the downhill event, the average speed of athletes passing through the flag gate is about 100km per hour.

Athletes hold ski poles, and pedal skis quickly turn and descend from high slopes. Each event is limited to 4 people per association. The competition uses a single starting point, and the order of drawing lots is arranged in sequence, but some events need to be skied twice. The order of the second starting point is determined by the results of the first competition. The interval between departures is generally 60 seconds, and only the revolving events use unequal starting times. On departure, athletes must wear sportswear with an official lead seal、 wear a starting number cloth, helmet, skis on their feet, and ski poles in hand. At the same time, they must use a detachable retainer.

In the Alpine Skiing competition, the speed of the runners can exceed 130 km/h, and the vertical height difference between the starting point and the ending point of different events is also different. Competitors need to cross a series of flag gates set on the sliding route while sliding down. If a competitor misses a flag gate, he must go back and cross the missed flag gate again, otherwise he will be disqualified from the competition.

The joy brought by skiing is no less than any other sport. As a sport, skiing is sure to be able to keep fit. In addition to enhancing cardiopulmonary function, it is very important to exercise the muscles of the thighs and calves., arms and abs can also be exercised. There is also a relatively comprehensive exercise for the balance and coordination of the body, and the humid environment of the snow field is definitely good for people.