When it's hot, eat a cool, cool and healthy cheese stick, which is really suitable for all ages, and it's healthy and not fat.

Ingredients: 250g milk, 15g gelatin, 10g sugar, 3 cheese slices.

1. Clean the mold and dry it with kitchen paper. I used a lot of molds this time, so I prepared 250ml of pure milk, 10 grams of white sugar, and 3 slices of cheese.

2. Cut 10 grams of gelatin slices into small pieces, add water and soak to soften for later use.

3. Soak the gelatin sheet in water for 20 minutes to soften and set aside.

4. Add 250ml of pure milk to the pot.

5. Add a spoonful of 10 grams of white sugar. White sugar can also be adjusted according to your own taste.

6. Add 3 pieces of cheese slices, heat on low heat until the sugar and cheese slices melt. I use more milk. I added 4 slices of cheese slices. Generally, 3 to 4 slices can be used. Just add the right amount according to your own taste.

7. Take out the foamed gelatin sheets, turn off the heat, and continue to stir until the gelatin sheets melt. PS This step must first turn off the heat and heat with residual heat until the gelatin sheets melt.

8. Add the cheese stick liquid to the mold, put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, let it cool, and then put it in the refrigerator. After refrigerating for 2 hours, it can be demolded.

Cheese sticks have the effect of calcium supplementation. The cheese stick itself has a very high protein content and is made of concentrated milk. Its nutritional value and content of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are relatively higher than ordinary milk. It is a very good nutritional supplement for children, with a small dose but high energy.

The lactic acid bacteria and metabolites in cheese sticks can help the body maintain normal intestinal flora, so it can relieve constipation. Eating cheese sticks can help increase the calcium content on the surface of the teeth, thereby inhibiting the occurrence of cavities and protecting teeth.

Cheese sticks are rich in vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin e, etc.Which are conducive to the growth and development of children. The calcium content is 4 times higher than that of milk, which is suitable for people who supplement calcium and has high nutritional value. Cheese sticks are made for children. The nutritional value of cheese must be high, but it is inevitable that there will be additives in it, so it is healthier to make homemade cheese after learning the above methods.