The center of tomato production is the Andes region of South America. There are still large areas of wild species in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and other places. Tomato fruit is rich in nutrients and has a unique flavor.

It is both a fruit and a vegetable and can be eaten raw, cooked, processed into ketchup, juice, or canned whole.

The main value of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene and elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and iodine, as well as protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, cellulose.

Tomatoes contain fruit acids, which can lower cholesterol levels and are very beneficial for hyperlipidemia.

The edible part of the tomato is the juicy berry. The fruit surface is smooth, the taste is moderately sweet and sour, the pulp is sandy, the surface is sandy, and the raw food is light, suitable for cooked food.

Medicinal value.

It has significant hemostatic, antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering effects, and has special effects on the treatment of hemophilia and leprosy.

A study by American scientists shows that organic tomatoes grown with farmyard manure have a protective effect on the heart. Organic tomatoes contain twice as much antioxidant flavonoids as regular tomatoes.

Flavonoids have functions such as lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, and increasing coronary blood flow.

Protect skin health, contain vitamin PP, maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the formation of red blood cells, high content of vitamin C, can maintain the elasticity of the skin.

After eating greasy food, eating some tomatoes will not only help digestion, but also prevent indigestion.

What to pay attention to when eating tomatoes.

Tomatoes are slightly cold, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more.

Do not eat tomatoes on an empty stomach, because stomach acid will combine with the colloid and persimmon in tomatoes to form large stones, causing stomach pain.

Unripe tomatoes contain tomatine, a toxic ingredient that can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other poisoning symptoms when eaten.

How to store tomatoes.

1. Pick fresh, naturally ripe tomatoes.

2. Then use a knife to make a cut on the tomato, blanch it with boiling water, and remove the tomato skin, so that it is more convenient to eat later, but if you like to eat tomatoes with skins, you can also not peel them.

3. Find some airtight jars, scald them with boiling water first, sterilize the airtight jars and put them aside to drain the water, or steam them in a pot, so that the disinfection effect will be better.

4. Cut the peeled tomatoes into cubes and put them in a glass jar without any seasoning.

5. Cover and place in a pot and steam over medium heat for 20 minutes, then place the jar in a cool place to cool.

6. This saves it.

In summer, eating raw tomatoes directly has a different flavor.