Why do some people capture the same flower beautifully while others' shots appear mediocre?

The truth is that photographing flowers also requires certain skills. Here are some photography tips for photographing flowers:

1. Layers

When shooting flowers on the ground, crouch down and put your camera on the ground.

Focus on the subject flower. Use other flowers and plants in the foreground to partially block the lens, creating a bokeh effect that adds depth to your photos.

2. Sense of space

The background is far away from the main flower so that when shooting, the background can be more bokeh.

Choose a background with dappled light to create a bokeh effect and highlight light spots, adding a sense of space to your photos.

3. Choose the right time

Shoot within 30 minutes before or after sunrise or sunset when the light is softer and colors are more vibrant.

4. Find a good angle

Even the same flower, using different angles to take pictures will be different.

Experiment with different angles, such as shooting from a low angle, to give your photos a unique perspective.

5. Learn to highlight the subject.

When shooting flowers, one or several flowers as the focus of the subject, in the picture to highlight the subject.

Focus on narrowing the frame to highlight the subject, avoiding too many elements or other flowers in the picture.

6. Color

Control the color palette of your photos. Limiting it to no more than three colors can make your images appear cleaner and more organized.

7. Light

Outside light conditions may be unpredictable, you may need reflectors or diffusers. They can provide natural diffused light in the shadow areas of flowers.

You can capture the beauty of flowers by backlighting. Standing directly in front of the sun and allowing the light to illuminate the flowers from the back can produce stunning visual effects.

8. Know your lens

Please familiarize yourself with and understand the functions of your lens. Each lens has a minimum focus distance, which determines how close you get to the flower.

To capture the beauty of different flowers, consider using a variety of lenses. The best solution is a macro lens. To photograph small flowers from a distance, it is best to use a lens with a focal length of 50-200mm.

9. Using water droplets

Almost everyone has seen wonderful photos of flowers with water droplets, which will add a touch of beauty to floral photos.

The easiest way to do this is to shoot after rain or at dawn when there will be raindrops or dew. Creating the water droplet effect is straightforward; a simple spray bottle can suffice.

Use these tips to take beautiful photos of flowers!