The shape of cherry tomatoes is generally spherical, the fruit is not large, and the shape is tall and round with a tip. The ripe fruit is bright red and beautiful, and the juice is full.It has a sweet and sour taste and is liked by many people.

Cherry tomatoes are eaten in a number of different ways, starting with a cherry tomato salad. The main ingredients are 200 grams of cabbage, 80 grams of cherry tomatoes, 60 grams of cucumbers, and 30 grams of green peppers as accessories. The seasonings include 15 grams of salad oil, 2 grams of salt, 20 grams of lemon juice, and 10 grams of honey.

The production process is as follows. First, wash all the prepared materials (cabbage, cherry tomatoes, gherkins, green peppers) separately, slice the cabbage, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, and onions into rings. Next, mix the cut ingredients and put them on a plate for later use. Finally, combine all the seasonings (salad oil, salt, lemon juice, honey), toss well and drizzle over the vegetables.

You can also make refreshing and delicious cherry tomato juice. Juicing cherry tomatoes and apples increases appetite. Cherry tomatoes contain vitamin C and lycopene, which have the effect of strengthening stomach and digestion, and increasing appetite. Apples are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber. Juicing and drinking of the two can help increase appetite. Prevent constipation.

The specific method is as follows. First, take 150 grams of cherry tomatoes, wash, cut into small pieces, and wash 100 grams of apples, peel, core, and cut into small pieces. Next, put all the ingredients together with an appropriate amount of drinking water into the juicer and blend evenly. Finally, add rock sugar and ice cubes to taste and drink.