Everything in the world is not perfect, but mistakes are not necessarily bad things. Sometimes mistakes can make another beautiful thing. Today, I'd like to share with you four kinds of delicious food born of "mistakes".

1. Ice cream

Ice cream was invented by an 11-year-old child. In 1905, 11-year-old Frank W. Eiffel was making soda water. He left the soda water and sugar on the windowsill after stirring them. He even forgot to take out the stirring stick. It was a cold season, and the outdoor temperature was very low. The next morning, when Frank saw the soda water again, it had frozen to an ice cube. So, there was the first ice cream.

2. Ice Cream Cones

The cone was born in 1904. Ice cream had been available long before the cone. The feature of the cone is that it uses waffles outside. It is said that there was an ice cream vendor whose business was so good that the paper cup for ice cream was soon used up. He asked the boss of the nearby bakery for help. The baker had a whim and rolled up waffles for him to use for ice cream. Unexpectedly, the ice cream cone was born.


This is a staple food that Westerners like most. It is sweet and fluffy, and tastes great. But no one expected that the inventor of this bread was not a baker, but a slave. More than 2000 years ago, ancient Egypt was still a slave country. At that time, an employer bought a slave to cook for his family. The slave accidentally fell asleep while baking bread, but unexpectedly baked golden and fluffy bread.

4. Potato chips

The birth of this kind of food is a chef's "revenge" on a diner. Unexpectedly, it has become the customer's favorite food by mistake. It is said that there was a picky diner who was always picky when he went to a fast-food restaurant to eat French fries. “The French fries were too thick to be fried thoroughly” he said. The chef has reworked so many times and still couldn’t satisfied of the diner. Finally, the chef got annoyed and simply sliced the potatoes and fried them directly in the pot. Unexpectedly, the delicious potato chips were unexpectedly achieved a great success.