Beneficial insects are insects that are beneficial to human production and life, including agriculture and medicine. They protect the natural ecological balance and help to better protect the environment.

The concept of beneficial insects includes all insects that are beneficial to humans, such as resource insects like silkworms. In a narrower sense, it refers to natural enemy insects that can prey on pests or parasitize them.


Dragonflies are one of the many beneficial insects that help protect crops and livestock. They are carnivorous and prey on various agricultural, forestry, and livestock pests such as flies, mosquitoes, gadfly midges, and small butterfly moths.

A single large green dragonfly can eat about 2,000 aphids and other small flying insects a day, making them very helpful to human life. Dragonflies also play an important role in increasing the yield of farmland crops.


Bees are hardworking insects that collect nectar to make delicious honey. They are rich in nutrients and can be made into various products like cakes, nutrients, and cosmetics.

Bees also perform plant pollination, which enables many crops to increase yields. Therefore, bees are of great help to humans. Today, modern people not only keep bees but also study them. Professional beekeepers even use bees to create wealth.


Earthworms are common beneficial insects that live in the soil. They drill holes in the ground, loosening the firm soil and allowing more air and water to seep into it, benefiting the growth of plants and crops. Earthworms live in moist soil and feed on the soil at night.

They absorb the decayed leaves and microorganisms in the soil and slowly excrete them from their bodies, making the soil loose and fertile, thereby benefiting the growth of plants.

Praying Mantis

Praying mantises are natural enemies of some pests in agriculture.

They are carnivorous and prey on over 60 kinds of pests such as cotton aphids, cabbage caterpillars, flies, locusts, and red bollworms. This can effectively reduce the harm of pests to plants or crops, thereby increasing the yield of crops.


Ants are highly organized insects that play a critical role in nature. They leave pheromones as they search for food, allowing other ants to follow their route in search of food, forming a highly ordered society.

Ants can also help break down organic matter and promote soil fertility. In addition, ants can also control the population of other pests and protect the growth of plants.


Butterflies are beautiful insects that are also beneficial to humans and the environment. They are important pollinators for many plants, which helps with plant reproduction.

Butterflies are also an important food source for many birds, reptiles, and other animals, maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Beneficial insects are essential ecological resources, making significant contributions to agricultural production, ecological balance, and ecological protection.

We need to strengthen the protection and utilization of beneficial insects to ensure their survival and development in nature. By doing so, we can better protect the environment and improve human life.