Tulips are Liliaceae, Tulipa. Leaves 3 to 5, strip-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, single terminal flowers, large and showy, tepals red or mixed with white and yellow, sometimes white or yellow, 5-7 cm long , 2 to 4 cm wide, 6 stamens of equal length, filaments glabrous, no style, stigma enlarges into a cockscomb, flowering from April to May

Originating in Turkey.Tulip is a long-day flower. It likes sunshine and shelter from wind. It is warm and humid in winter and cool and dry in summer. Likes humus-rich, loose and fertile, well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil. 

Types of tulips:

1.Early bloomers Early flowering, single-petal flowers, rich in color, mainly red and yellow. Some varieties are fragrant, with flower heights of 5 to 7 cm and plant heights of 25 to 40 cm. It is suitable for greenhouse planting in early spring, and is commonly used for landscape layout in early spring.

2.Medium flowers Also called Victory. Single-petal flower, the flower is goblet-shaped, the flower is large and showy. The plant is 45 to 55 cm high, and the flower stem is moderate in length. It is suitable for middle and late cultivation, and most varieties can be used for cut flowers or arrangement of flower beds.

3.Late bloomers Single-petaled flowers, more flower types, and larger flower types. Plant height is 65-80 cm. Stems and leaves are stout. The flowering period is relatively late, so it is suitable for cultivation in gardens and can also be used as cut flower material.

4.Variants and hybrids The corolla is bell-shaped, golden yellow in the wild with red stripes on the outside. The plants are shorter, 10-20 cm, and bloom earlier.

Growth Habit:

Tulip is a long-day flower. It likes to be sunny and sheltered from the wind. It is warm and humid in winter and cool and dry in summer. It can grow normally when the temperature is above 8°C, and generally can withstand low temperature of -14°C. It has strong cold resistance. If the bulbs are covered with thick snow in severe cold areas, the bulbs can overwinter in the open field, but they are afraid of extreme heat. If the summer comes early and the midsummer is very hot, it will be difficult for the bulbs to spend the summer after dormancy. It requires a slightly acidic sandy loam rich in humus, loose and fertile, and well-drained. Avoid alkaline soil and continuous cropping.

Main value:

1.Medicinal value: Tulip medicinal properties are bitter and dry. Flowers can get rid of bad spirits among confidants; roots can calm. It has an antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, and the alcohol extract of its stems and leaves also has an antibacterial effect, and the active ingredients contain a variety of amino acids. Pollen contains n-heptadecane, isoheptadecane.

2.Ornamental value: Tulip is an ornamental flower in the world. The flowers are like lotus flowers, with various colors, rich and gorgeous colors. They are bulbous flowers in spring. Tall-stemmed varieties are suitable for cut flowers or in flower borders, and can also be planted in clusters on the edge of lawns. Medium and short varieties are suitable for potted plants, embellishing courtyards, indoors and cut flowers.

The ornamental value of tulips is very high, I believe you will like them.