March is the month when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Today, we invite you to spend the entire cherry blossom season aboard the train from Tokyo to Kyushu.

Embark on the Tohoku Shinkansen from Aomori to Morioka, Hanamaki, Kitakami, and Sendai. Take in the cherry blossom trees from the comfort of your seat, enjoy a relaxing hot spring bath, and escape the noise of tourist crowds, all while admiring the vibrant life of spring.

As the snow and ice of winter melt away, Aomori bursts with vibrancy in the spring. The grass grows, birds chirp, flowers bloom in the forest, and cherry blossoms fall in a profusion of colors. Walk leisurely under the cherry blossom trees in the park and savor the fragrance of each flower.

Alternatively, take the cherry blossom train and witness the trees in full bloom all the way. Occasionally, a petal may land on your shoulder, leaving you with the lingering feeling of spring.

The top cherry blossom viewing spot in Aomori is "Hirosaki Castle Park". It boasts the largest scale of cherry blossoms in Japan and has been ranked as one of the top ten ancient cherry blossom locations in Japan by Japanese people for many years. Many publicity pictures of the cherry blossom season in Japan come from this park.

In late April, over 5,000 cherry trees, such as Someiyoshino cherry, Yaezakura, Satsuki cherry, and Eboshi cherry, bloom in unison, submerging the entire park in a sea of pink and white flowers, ensuring no corner goes unnoticed.

In the park, a triple moat surrounds the central Tensho-Kaku. The red cherry blossoms on the river and the pink cherry blossoms on the shore are both elegant and strong, attracting the attention of every visitor to the ancient city. As the spring breeze comes, the cherry blossoms fall and form a dreamy "cherry blossom carpet" that flows with the waves, dyeing the river pink.

The "Tsugaru Railway" is a special cherry blossom viewing train in Aomori. This railway line in the Tsugaru area has different themes throughout the year. In winter, you can enjoy the snow on the "Heater Train"; in autumn, you can enjoy the leaves on the "Bell Bug Train", in summer, you can enjoy the "Wind Bell Train", and in spring, the "Cherry Blossom Train" runs like a scene from a cartoon.

As the train rushes into the cherry blossom forest in the early morning, the fog has not yet completely dispersed, and the fine sunlight filtering through the tree branches and leaves gives them a layer of light gold, creating a magical cartoon-like setting. The train passes through the cherry blossom forest, and the flower branches caress the body, leaving behind a cherry blossom fragrance. Even the people around them become gentler and lovelier.

One of the most beautiful stops on the Tsugaru Railway is "Ashino Park," with cherry blossoms and old pines spreading throughout the park.

In spring, 2,200 cherry trees bloom in the park. The railway track passes through the cherry blossom forest, and the pink cherry blossoms reflect the verdant pines, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the orange train. The best place to enjoy this stunning view is near the unmanned station in the park. When the train meets the cherry blossoms, the forest, and the station, the sound of shutter clicks from cameras and cell phones fills the air.