Cats have always been loved by people and there are many interesting facts about them.

Cats, of various species, are the natural enemies of rats. They are kept on the livestock list in all parts of the world. They come in a variety of colors including yellow, black, white, and grey. With a beaver-like body and tiger-like appearance, with soft fur and sharp teeth.

The ancestor of the domestic cat is presumed to be the desert cat of the ancient Egyptian period, the Persian cat of Persia, which has been domesticated by humans for 3,500 years.

Let's take a look at what all the habits of cats include.

Firstly, cats are nocturnal, preferring to sleep during the day and eat at night.

Secondly, cats love cleanliness and will often use their tongues to lick their coats and paws to clean their bodies, and will take the initiative to bury them after urinating or defecating.

Cats are solitary animals with a strong sense of territory. When keeping a cat, you should not bring strange cats into your home to avoid fighting and biting accidents.

Finally, most cats are afraid of water and bathing may be difficult, so do a good job of keeping your cat safe to avoid causing injury to yourself.

At the same time, cats are sticky and like to play with people. Owners should take some time to spend with it every day, or prepare small toys for it to play with on its own.

Here are the personality traits of cats


Cats are known as "lazy cats" because they sleep for 14 to 15 hours a day, and some cats sleep for more than 20 hours.

However, if you look closely at a cat sleeping, you will see that the cat's ears will move at the slightest sound, and if someone comes near, the cat will wake up with a start.


Cats seem to be a bit capricious and do as they please.

It is better to see them as equal friends. It is this relationship that makes cats unique and attractive.


Cats often clean their fur. This is the cat's instinct to remove odor from itself to avoid being tracked by predators.

After being stroked by its owner, the cat licks the area where it has been stroked: the cat is remembering the smell of people because it fears not being able to find its owner if it is separated from them.

Cat owners need to understand the habits of their cats and also pay more attention to their feeding.

Here are some tips on how to feed your cat.

Feeding tips for kittens

Eat little and often, and pay attention to feeding at regular times, in fixed quantities, and at the regular times.

Timed: Feed at a fixed time every day to develop good eating habits.

Quantity: The number of meals should not be more or less. As the cat gets older, the number of meals for kittens will gradually increase at a certain time (generally at three or four months) and remain stable until eight months or more.

Generally cats around two months old will eat more than five or six times a day.

Kittens are generally fed four times a day until they are three months old, such as 9 am, 12 pm, 6 pm, and 10 pm.

When they are three to six months old, they are fed three times a day. After six months of age, feed twice a day.

Feeding Tips for Adult Cats

Cats enter the adult cat stage at 12 months of age or above. The body and digestive system of adult cats are already mature and can digest and absorb nutrients better.

Feed them low-fat and low-energy food to help them maintain a normal weight.

In addition, try to provide them with food that is easy to digest.

Weigh your cat regularly to ensure that it is within the normal weight range and feed it according to the advice of your vet and nutritionist.

Assess the cat's health regularly and adjust the amount of food fed according to the health condition.