Why do more and more people like to drink milk? Milk is one of the oldest natural dairy products. Smell that thick mellow smell, fragrant and elegant, as smooth as grease, like thin clouds. This is milk, which is extremely nutritious.

Type of milk.

Sterilize fresh milk.

Sterilized fresh milk is a pasteurized liquid milk product that requires refrigeration.

Sterilized milk.

Ultra-high temperature milk is made by high temperature instantaneous sterilization (120~140℃, 1~2 seconds), and can be stored at room temperature for 30~40 days.

Traditional sterilized milk is a liquid milk product made after long-term high temperature sterilization, which can be stored for more than 6 months at room temperature.

Difference between them.

The contents of protein, lactose, minerals and other nutrients in sterilized fresh milk and sterilized milk are basically the same as those of raw milk, and only a small amount of vitamin B is lost.

However, the preservation rate of sterilized milk is usually more than 90%, and sterilized milk is also more than 60%. The loss of vitamin C is significant, but since it is not an important nutrient in milk, it has little effect on the nutritional value of dairy products.

Next, let us briefly understand the nutritional value and efficacy of milk.

Nutritional value of milk.

1. The most abundant carbohydrate in milk is lactose, which makes calcium easier to absorb.

2. Milk contains high-quality protein, including casein and a small amount of whey protein. Milk contains all the amino acids needed for human growth and development, which is unmatched by other foods.

3. The ratio of protein to calories in milk is very reasonable, which can ensure that drinkers will not consume pure calories.

4. Calcium in milk is easily absorbed. In addition, the combination of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other substances is very reasonable.

5. The fat in milk has a low melting point and small particles, which are easily absorbed by the human body, and the digestibility can reach 97%.

Efficacy of milk.

1. Calm and soothe the nerves, milk contains ingredients that inhibit nerve excitation.

2. Inhibit tumor. Milk contains a CLA substance, which can effectively destroy free radicals that are harmful to the human body, and can quickly combine with the cell membrane, so that the cells are in a state of resisting the invasion of carcinogens, thus playing a role in preventing cancer.

3. Promote children's brain development. Milk is the only food for mammals to survive and develop after birth. It contains all the nutrients needed for the development of young children.

4. Beauty and beauty, the whey in milk can eliminate facial wrinkles and keep the skin smooth and moist.

When is the best time to drink milk?

In general, drinking milk in the morning is more conducive to health, especially for young children, it can provide rich calcium and other trace elements to promote growth and development.

If you are at work, drink a glass of milk in the afternoon to replenish your energy and reduce hunger.

If you are weak after a huge trauma or surgery, you can drink more milk every day to help your body recover.

If the quality of sleep is poor, you can drink a glass of warm milk about half an hour before going to bed at night to help sleep.

Milk is a healthy drink, but there are still some people who don't like it.