Taking landscape photos gives you the chance to experience moments of peace and tranquility, as well as stunning natural beauty.

Take landscape photos. It takes you out the door and into nature, surrounded only by cameras and tripods. It's kind of a meditative experience.

Taking landscape photos can inspire you to travel, let you embark on all kinds of crazy adventures, and quietly let you learn more about your camera and master superb photography skills.

As for how to take excellent landscape photos, everyone has different opinions, however, continuous practice is the best way to master this technique.

Don't be greedy to shoot more parts.

Landscape photos, in many cases, are large scenes, relatively vast, and contain more elements. However, the first picture suggests that you take a small scene first and shoot it apart.

(1) A large and comprehensive landscape will inevitably involve many elements, which is difficult to control. It will be relatively difficult to take good-looking photos. If the photos are not taken well, the whole photo will be too messy.

(2) Small scenery, partial scenery, can be photographed in daily life. At the same time, because the local viewfinder range is relatively small, there are few picture elements, and it is easy to control, and relatively simple photos can also be produced.

(3) For the specific shooting method, you can pay attention to those unique colors. For example, a particularly yellow leaf on a dead tree branch. When shooting, use a large aperture to focus on the leaf, and the background can be blurred because the amount taken is controlled, also reduces background noise, making the photo look more minimalist.

Grasp the light

When it comes to photos, timing is everything. Do you want to stand in the right position at the right time when the light is the most suitable so that you can take the best landscape pictures?

Light makes a good photo. For other types of photos, you can use other artificial lights to affect the subject. But when taking landscape photos, you can only use the light that nature gives you.

"Composition, Focus, Depth of Field Aperture" are these three formulas in mind.

Thinking one by one in order will help you think about which elements a photo should be composed of, and you won’t be as clueless as a headless warehouse fly. Pick up the camera and take pictures casually.