There is such a small European country, a country full of romance and mystery. The mysterious gypsies, the hometown of vampires, all add a sense of expectation to this strange country. This country is Romania.

The most amazing thing is that there is a winding mountain road in this country. No matter how the seasons change, this winding mountain road can be beautiful in the sky. With the attributes that are only available in the current season, so that you can't ignore its beauty. The winding mountain road has always been dangerous and scenic. How many people have personally walked on the winding mountain road? But when you have turned up and looked from high to low, you will find that the original icy road can also become the most beautiful decoration in the natural world.

This winding mountain road cost 6 million kilograms of explosives to build, but only opened for 5 months a year! The road, called Trasfagarasan, was once rated as the most useless road by netizens.

The Trasfagarasan road is in Romania's Fagaras Mountains. It also has a very special title: one of the high-value scenic roads in the world. And many car enthusiasts, especially mountain rally enthusiasts, are completely familiar with this road. In their eyes, the various 180-degree turns and the length of more than 150 kilometers of Trasfagarasan Highway can be called "the best road".

This road was not originally built to give people a view. It took four years to build the 90-kilometer long road. During this period, 6 million kilograms of explosives were consumed, and 40 people were killed because of the project. However, after this road was fixed, it declined and did not play its value.

It was not until 2000 that backpackers who love hiking discovered when they came here, how could there be such a beautiful winding road in their own country. Once passed, the Trasfagarasan road has gradually become popular in Romania and even the world automobile circle. The length of the road has also been extended from the original 90 kilometers to nearly 160 kilometers now.

Seen from above, this road looks like a giant python lying quietly between the mountains. But when people drive slowly down the road, the sense of danger is instantly gone. The greenness around you and the mountain scenery in the distance, coupled with the crisp air, will make people intoxicated. Since it was discovered, it has become the most prosperous self-driving tour route in the entire country of Romania.

However, due to the influence of the mountains, this road is not galloping all year round. Every year from November to May of the next year, the roads are partially closed, and there is no way to go all the way smoothly in these months. So the road can be fully opened for only 5 months a year.

Now many people come here with tents, driving cars and walking slowly to take pictures. If time permits, you can spend a day and a night here quietly enjoying the beauty of nature. There used to be relatively few people here, but now in summer, there are really many cars walking on this road, and people who "set up camp" can be seen constantly along the way.