Some people will fall in love with pasta again and again, why is this?

Because there are more than 600 kinds of pasta in the world, and there are more than 130 kinds of shapes.

How many have you seen? Spiral noodles are one of them.

The most common pasta is machine made, not with regular flour, but with wheat flour ground from durum wheat.

Durum wheat is produced in southern Italy.

It is rich in protein and has a golden color.

It does not deform when cooked and is still very chewy.

That's what makes pasta unique.

The shape of the pasta is that wavy, hence the name Spiral Pasta.

Why is Italian pasta loved by people all over the world?

1.Because of the industrial production of pasta, which saves manpower, increases production, and improves the industrial chain.

There is absolutely no problem in serving people all over the world.

2.That pasta is very popular because of its inclusive nature.

Many foods leave the country of origin and are often unpopular.

It's hard to blend in with local eating habits, but pasta doesn't have that problem.

Wherever you go, it can be perfectly combined with local products.

Just add any of the toppings and you'll have a plate of pasta with a unique taste that will make the protagonist of the pasta so flattering wherever he goes.

Make an easy spiral pasta.

Ingredients: Spiral Pasta



Black Pepper Sauce

Tomato Sauce

1. Dice the onion and tomatoes, set aside.

2. Put more water in the pot, after the water boils, add the pasta.

3. Add some salt, keep the heat on medium and cook until the pasta is cooked for 7 minutes.

4. After cooking, remove and drain the water, add a little olive oil and mix well for later use.

5. Heat oil in a hot wok, add tomatoes and fry to make the juice.

6. Add in the diced onion and continue to fry.

7. Add black pepper juice.

8. Add tomato sauce.

9. After the soup is thick, add the pasta, stir fry evenly, and serve.

10. Simple pasta is ready.

It tasted chewy and not as soft as normal noodles.

Its main nutrients are protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc., which can enhance immunity and balance nutrient absorption.

Nutritional value varies depending on the sauces and side dishes served.

Pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein and vitamins, which can effectively reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the human body and improve the condition of coronary arteries.

At the same time, it is also very suitable for athletes as a pre-competition food, which does not increase the burden on the digestive organs and can store enough energy.

Do it for those you love.